
display_matrix(data, target_col, cue_pS_obj, M, M_type)

Display matrix with rownames and colnames.

Obligatory Arguments

  • data::DataFrame: the dataset
  • target_col::Union{String, Symbol}: the target column name
  • cue_pS_obj::Union{Cue_Matrix_Struct,PS_Matrix_Struct}: the cue matrix or pS matrix structure
  • M::Union{SparseMatrixCSC, Matrix}: the matrix
  • M_type::Union{String, Symbol}: the type of the matrix, currently support :C, :S, :F, :G, :Chat, :Shat, :A, :R and :pS

Optional Arguments

  • nrow::Int64 = 6: the number of rows to display
  • ncol::Int64 = 6: the number of columns to display
  • return_matrix::Bool = false: whether the created dataframe should be returned (and not only displayed)


JudiLing.display_matrix(latin, :Word, cue_obj, cue_obj.C, :C)
JudiLing.display_matrix(latin, :Word, cue_obj, S, :S)
JudiLing.display_matrix(latin, :Word, cue_obj, G, :G)
JudiLing.display_matrix(latin, :Word, cue_obj, Chat, :Chat)
JudiLing.display_matrix(latin, :Word, cue_obj, F, :F)
JudiLing.display_matrix(latin, :Word, cue_obj, Shat, :Shat)
JudiLing.display_matrix(latin, :Word, cue_obj, A, :A)
JudiLing.display_matrix(latin, :Word, cue_obj, R, :R)
JudiLing.display_matrix(latin, :Word, pS_obj, pS_obj.pS, :pS)